Hey everyone! Sorry for the sudden lack of uploading. I've had a lot going on outside of the internet and I'm just now getting time to sit down and actually work on projects. On top of that, These songs take ungodly long to produce for me, since I'm still an amateur. There is a few things that I do want to go over, however.
I want to start producing more House (future house, tropical house, etc.) as well as dubstep (Riddim, Brostep, etc.)
I am still learning how to produce these effectively so cut me some slack with low quality songs okay? haha
---<>Uploading dates<>---
I do not really have any schedule for uploading songs, but I hope to be able to upload at least one a month. This can be pretty tricky at times since I take unusually long to do things since A. I'm a bit lazy and forgetful and B. I am slow.
I'm sorry again for very inconsistent uploading on here, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. I'm just very slow at what I do because I'm not very smart sometimes.
Anyways, Cheers!